1999 High School Nationals
Lincoln, Nebraska
May 21-22, 1999

Lincoln High School in Lincoln Nebraska hosted the 1999 High School Nationals competition. A mere stone's throw from the home of the Nebraska Corn Huskers, the meet embodied its usual flair and excitement, as the best seniors of 13 states came together to show off their routines. Many notables were present to add to the excitement of the competition: the two days of the meet were opened by speeches from the Governor of Nebraska and Mayor of Lincoln respectively, and former Olympic team member Jim Hartung presented medals. Two other former national team members, Larry Gerard and Patty Hannan, were present as well, but as spectators, cheering on their daughter Christy Gerard (2nd AA). Mr. Gerard emphasized how proud he was of Christy, and even remarked that watching from the stands as his daughter took second in the nation was more exciting to him than his own competitive experience. "It's hard for the telepathy to get through" he laughed, but it didn't stop him from trying. During the award ceremonies, local students dressed in tuxedos escorted women gymnasts to the podium, and likewise women students wearing black dresses escorted the men. What a special touch of class!

This year the most outstanding display of team spirit was made by the spectators from Texas. Many were done up in Texas finery, and most (if not all) waved Texas flags to show their enthusiasm. Aaron Jackson, first all-around and hailing from Trinity High School in Bedford, Texas remarked how inspirational he found it. He said that the most moving moment of the meet was during march-in - he looked up into the stands to see a forest of Lone Stars waving in support of his team. The performance of another Texan, Chance Endsley, added to the inspiration of the day. Chance, a single leg amputee and captain of the gymnastics team at Odessa High School in Odessa Texas, performed a stellar parallel bar routine complete with dismount, and brought the crowd to a terrific roar in the process. He took fourth place in the nation with his routine; he left an impression not just for his skill as a gymnast, but for his unwavering drive to achieve his dreams. One fan reported that watching Chance brought tears to his eyes. "It's hard to say 'I can't' when you watch him performing".

March-in, and an outstanding display of Texas spirit

Ilene Cohen of New York took top all-around honors with her routines, by a sprawling margin of 0.775. She reported, "I'm very excited; it was a good weekend. We came here with only three girls on our team and won". She's been doing USAG club gymnastics since she was 8 (level 10 for three years), and has been competing in high school since ninth grade. Not only is she a national champion gymnast, but she competes on her high school's varsity lacrosse team, as well. In fact, she had a championship game to play as soon as she got home, the Monday after gymnastics Nationals! This is a woman who can balance a demanding schedule! Her parents were there to see her take the top spot, "They've never missed a meet" she said, "they're always there for me". Ilene said beam was her favorite event, "It's the scariest; it makes you work hard. I love it." She added that she loves the dance of floor, as well, for the forum for expression it provides. When asked how she found the experience of Nationals, she replied, "It's a lot of fun - it's very spirited. It's more of a team effort than level 10, which is very individual." Ilene is bound for Michigan State in the fall, where she plans to continue her gymnastics career.

Ilene Cohen, First Place All-Around
Wantagh High School, Wantagh, New York

Aaron Jackson took first place in the men's all-around category by a squeaky margin of 0.075 over Michael Coffman, also of Team Texas. It was definitely a good weekend for Aaron. "It was great", he smiled, "It was my last meet as a high schooler, and I wanted to go out with a bang". He reported that one of his greatest satisfactions in winning was how good it made him feel to be able to give his coach, Mark Williams, a parting present. Aaron began club gymnastics at age 10, and switched to high school gymnastics in ninth grade. When asked why he chose not to continue as a club gymnast, he reported, "I'm an academic person". His approach has certainly stood him in good stead; in addition to being the national gymnastics champion, Aaron has accepted an appointment to the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, where he plans to study behavioral science and is interested in becoming a pilot. He reported he entered the meet with concerns, as the same people he had competed against at state meet, he was now meant to be cheering on. "I didn't know at first how that would come out", he pondered, "but we bonded".

Aaron Jackson, First Place All-Around
Trinity High School, Bedford, Texas

It's interesting to note that Christy Gerard (2nd AA) is bound for George Washington University (on a full scholarship), the same school where Devin McCalla, who took that spot at last year's Nationals, matriculated. Correspondingly, Aaron Jackson, who took first in the men's all-around competition this year, is bound for the Air Force Academy, following in the footsteps of last year's men's champion, James Hayes. Many a kinship is formed as a result of this meet. John Brinkworth, president of the National High School Gymnastic Coaches Association, recalled two competitors from a previous year who met at Nationals. Both were bound for University of Minnesota, and became the best of friends through the course of the competition. They ended up rooming together in college. Certainly High School Nationals is a place where friendships, just as strong as memories, are made.

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